Animal Success Stories

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I just wanted to pass along an update on Kenai.  What a wonderful boy!  He is settling right into his new environment.  We spent the long weekend up at our cabin in the Canadian mountains north of Pemberton and we all had a blast.  Kenai loved hiking through the woods and sloshing along the lakes shore. He was most intrigued with the moose and bear droppings and would love to have been able to climb the trees after the squirrels.  We all sat on the dock while Nicky fished for some small sculpins and Kenai eventually realized that the little flopping creatures were being pulled out of the water and began watching them swim around the hooked worm.  He was really very funny to watch.
We went for a walk up around Lake Padden this evening and Kenai was calm and kind with all the “locals" in the dog area and friendly with all the walkers around the lake.
I hope it brings at least a little comfort to know that Kenai is fitting in quite well and that he will truly be loved in his new home.
Thanks for trusting us with such a wonderful spirit.


Just thought I would drop you a little note, wishing everyone a great summer.  School is going well.  I graduate Sept. 3rd.  Yipppeeee....technically I can't start practicing until November (when I get my license).  I will be practicing in Beaverton at a lovely clinic, which I am excited to be a part of.  There are two other N.D.'s there.  A husband and wife team that are so funny.  I think we'll all get along great.
I will be doing teacher training soon to teach Yoga and Water Aerobics.  I started doing water aerobics when I noticed how it improved my sense of balance with dance and my posture.  I love the water and I enjoy exercising, so its a good fit for me.  I have my high school reunion coming up, which should be fun, and I'm finishing my research paper for school.  Also, I'm excited at a few guest teaching opportunities that have come my way at P.C.C.  Erik and I are going on a cruise in the fall down to Mexico.  A cruise hasn't really been my thing in the past. This is all new for me. 
Typically my "vacations" have consisted of sitting in cow-dung infested 3rd class trains through India's deserts, or getting eaten alive by huge mosquitos in some jungle.  I'll admit, I'm kind of excited to have a vacation where I'm not roughing it all the time, and where I can just sit and do nothing.  I know it sounds lazy, but I'm into being pampered for a week.  Also, I think its funny that my  "vacations" end up in hot parts of the world, when there is nothing I would rather do than take a trip to Iceland, Norway, or Alaska (funny).
I couldn't help but send this picture of Sierra.  It cracks me up.  Her doggy day-care took it over the holiday.  She looks as if it is her epiphany moment in front of the camera.  The one she's been waiting for.......(smile).
I apologize for the mass email, but know that you are all in my heart.....


Things are going great with Kia and us.  Everybody is getting along just fine.  We take her almost everywhere we go.  Everybody in our neighborhood knows her because she is the prettiest dog on the block.  She struts and wags her tail to show off her grace and beauty.  Once we took her to Ilahee park and there was a group of people at a party.  Instantly, she became the center of attention.  Someone yelled and told us we had a very pretty dog.  Kia gave them a short bark to say hi and everybody laughed.  We would like to thank you for giving us the opportunity to take care of Kia and making her a part of our lives.  We will always love our newest addition to the family.


Yes, everything is going great- thanks for asking.  Dakota and Alkan keep each other busy chasing each other around the yard whenever he is not sleeping on the couch, lol.  The groomers think he's the greatest- in fact they sat him in the window while he was waiting to be picked up- advertising :). Everywhere we go everyone wants to pet him- and are quite surprised at how nice and well mannered he is- people tend to think he looks scary yet beautiful/unique.  His gland has not changed or been a problem so we're just leaving it alone.  He's on Glucosamine and Chondratin for his arthritis.  I think he has gained some weight since we got him- he was a bit thin through the hips (he was only 72 lbs. when we got him home- now more like 75-80 I think).  He is such a fancy pants when it comes to eating- everyone thinks it's a hoot, such a big dog eating so delicately and being so picky.  He and Alkan have run of the yard themselves or with our daughter jasmine all day- it's more freedom and space than I think he's had before.  He's still indecisive about being inside or out- he changes his mind where he wants to be every 5 minutes.  He gets jealous if we are working on the computer and will come put his head on our lap then proceed to knock our arm up with his head.  He woowoo's a lot when he's excited and he loves going to the park and smelling all the other doggy marks in the woods.  The other day a raccoon was eating some cherries under the tree next door- oh boy he was excited- literally tore through several planks on the fence with his teeth- one of the few times I’ve heard him really growl.

Prince Grizzly
Prince Grizzly

Well, what a tough of this morning, he's spent nearly 100% of his time in our house, with the two humans, two dogs and cat...loving it!  He slept the whole night at our bedside, (on MY side!!!) and our only complaint is...HE STINKS! :)  Still, he is welcome in our home, and has already found his favorite spot between the chairs we sit in, in the living room.  He is a bit camera shy, but we're clicking away and will send photos once we get some good ones.
We had a shampoo this morning...still stinks, but not quite as bad...Jean's heading outside with the brush in a second.  He is perhaps the kindest, gentlest, sweetest dog we have met!  So tolerant of all our poking, prodding, and bathing.  He adopted us after about 30 seconds on the way home, leaning against Jean's seat practically the whole way.  No problems whatsoever with our two dogs...Griz growled at Simba, and still does every now and then.  Simba's response?  Duh.  What was that about?  They get along GREAT!
This morning, Griz got his first bit of people food...waffle leavin's.  We don't feed too many table scraps, just waffle leftovers and crusts off of the few pizzas we order.  He took a while to poop, but we got two of them out of him this morning, so are feeling confident he's in good shape and on the mend.  Also, an aspirin last night, and another this morning seem to have really loosened him up.  He's prancing around the back yard like he owns the place. We have to hold ourselves back from taking him for a walk...hey, maybe just a short one...
Our plans for the immediate future are a wellness visit to the vet tomorrow or Tuesday, and a trip to a real groomer next week (or sooner!).  We can't thank you enough-the whole wamal association-for what you do for these sweet dogs, and for bringing Griz into our lives.  He truly is a perfect match for our home, and rest assured, this will be his last home!  We'll be in touch soon with more updates.

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