Animal Success Stories

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I've always had a fascination with mals ever since my neighbor got one when I was a teen.  I always figured I'd get one when I was older- but as the time flies and the next thing I know I have a 9-year-old, a 10 pound pom, and a small girlfriend.  So the prospect of getting a large active dog like a mal was looking slim.  Then came the email from Cindy that had found a match- I couldn't believe it- she had a match for our family!  Now upon first impression the girls- and our dog- were scared of Dakota.  He's a big boy and very intimidating- but I just stuck my face down there and got a big wet kiss- I guess he's okay :)!  Anyway since we've had him home he's adapted very well- he's great inside or out, mostly ignores the other dog, and goes nuts with howls when we come home.   We get nothing but compliments on his great manners and exotic looks.  And that intimidation factor gives me a safe feeling when the girls walk to school- the secret is only we know he wouldn't hurt anyone- which is also a relief because I'm sure if he had it in him he could.


Things are going great!!! Alkan and Dakota are great friends now and play all day- although Alkan is the instigator- Dakota doesn't push his limits. Dakota whines anytime we come home, Alkan whines less now- he checks to see what Dakota does first, lol.  if Alkan barks or hears something Dakota will follow and back him up, it's really funny to see Dakota follow him. everyone loves him- he sleeps on the couch mostly but sometimes jumps in bed with us or jasmine.  he's shedding in chunks right now and jasmines collecting it to make a pillow- she misses him when she goes so she wants a "Dakota pillow" and we can't convince her that the smell isn't that wonderful, lol.  he has put on some weight and he looks and moves much better, we are sticking with glucosamine right now.


Yes, everything is going great- thanks for asking.  Dakota and Alkan keep each other busy chasing each other around the yard whenever he is not sleeping on the couch, lol.  The groomers think he's the greatest- in fact they sat him in the window while he was waiting to be picked up- advertising :). Everywhere we go everyone wants to pet him- and are quite surprised at how nice and well mannered he is- people tend to think he looks scary yet beautiful/unique.  His gland has not changed or been a problem so we're just leaving it alone.  He's on Glucosamine and Chondratin for his arthritis.  I think he has gained some weight since we got him- he was a bit thin through the hips (he was only 72 lbs. when we got him home- now more like 75-80 I think).  He is such a fancy pants when it comes to eating- everyone thinks it's a hoot, such a big dog eating so delicately and being so picky.  He and Alkan have run of the yard themselves or with our daughter jasmine all day- it's more freedom and space than I think he's had before.  He's still indecisive about being inside or out- he changes his mind where he wants to be every 5 minutes.  He gets jealous if we are working on the computer and will come put his head on our lap then proceed to knock our arm up with his head.  He woowoo's a lot when he's excited and he loves going to the park and smelling all the other doggy marks in the woods.  The other day a raccoon was eating some cherries under the tree next door- oh boy he was excited- literally tore through several planks on the fence with his teeth- one of the few times I’ve heard him really growl.


Well another year has gone by and Dakota's doing great.  The salivary gland problem has sped up though but our Vet has found some literature saying Tetracycline may slow it down or stop it, it seems to be helping and we want to exhaust all noninvasive options first.  His weight is hovering between 85 and 90lbs, which is what the vet wanted to see him at after his first weigh in was 72 lbs when we got him.  He still does just fine with Alkan, if anything Alkan is the dominant one at times, LOL.  He has figured out how to knock him down by sneaking around from behind, little punk :).  Anyway we just wanted to drop a little update and say thanks once again, I'm not sure we can remember life without his antics.