Animal Success Stories
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We adopted Charon now Maggie... she is 29lbs, and is adjusting to our home well. We took her to Stevens to play in the snow a couple of weeks ago and she LOVED it!
Just wanted to let you know Willard is happy as a clam here. I think he figures he died and went to heaven. He is the sweetest old guy and smart too. He is so funny...wants to be petted all the time and paws me to get petted and if I ignore him he starts pawing my! Definitely not a picky pooch....feet, hands, whatever, just pet me!!
I'm just amazed his owner did not keep him with her as he is a great house dog, minds, sleeps a lot, wants to be petted, loves whatever you give him to munch, etc. He would have been a great companion and comfort for her after her husband's death. On the flip side...he certainly enriches my life as well as Ellen's.
We have had Boots for 10 days now and I think he is beginning to calm down and feel at home. Sometimes he runs back and forth along the llama fence trying to get them to run with him. We have a very good guard llama, and he runs back and forth on the other side trying to stomp on Boots. Boots thinks this is great fun. He still has not made any attempt to go over the fence, so I am really glad about that. He is very sweet and very much like our Bear Dog. My husband and I both slip and call him Bear sometimes. The saddest thing about Boots so far is that yesterday we bought him a rope to play keep away and tug of war, and he had no idea what to do with it. Within minutes he got the idea, but I couldn't believe the neglect he has had. I'll see if I can send a picture of him.
I just thought I'd let you know we have all survived our 1st 24 hours. Last night was like having a new baby. Boots woke me up at least 3 times to check on me?? Around 2 am the heat come on for the 1st time and I could hear him going from room to room checking all of the heat vents. Then in the morning here was a stuffed bear face down in the middle of the bedroom where he had been sleeping. The last I knew, that bear was in my office. That was kinda cute.
He is leary of the llamas and they feel the same about him, so I wouldn't trust them together without someone being present. He'll just have to stay in the dog run for a few hours each day when we're gone. So far he has been running free with the front gate shut and has not made any attempt to get in with the llamas. He's more concerned about where Dave & I are at all times. He seems a bit insecure, and with good reason I would think. He is pooping cowpies today, which is either the cat food or nerves, so I got him Science Diet for Adults (dry), and was wondering what you feed your dogs.
So that's the update. I'll keep you informed.
Sorry it's been so long since I gave you an update but we've been busy here getting an abandoned dog into rescue. Cola is doing great. She no longer snaps at us at all and only gives us warning looks once in a while. Her obedience classes are going really well also and we are going to put her and Dawson in Agility at the end of Mar. We have started using a gentle leaded when we walk her and she no longer pulls. She's not crazy about the leader collar but she has only used it one day. It's kinda like a puppy with and a first time collar- they fight it but as soon as something is more interesting they don't remember they are wearing it. How's Scout and his new friend. I bet he was happy to have a new buddy. Hopefully they get along as well as he did with Cola. They were pretty good together. Here are some pics of her-enjoy!
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