Animal Success Stories

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We wanted to update you on our girl Khira. She has settled into her new home amazingly fast! She is all diva here in her new home. She has a new purple set of leashes and harnesses, her microchip has been registered to us, she has her own crate to sleep in (not crazy about that but for a treat...) she is on a little diet and some regular exercise which she needed badly. Khira is very loving to the our girls and wants to be pet all the time. Our first mal Rocky is adjusting to having a sister/friend that does not go home. He has been very protective of his mooching spot in the kitchen, of his kids that pet him, of his daddy that always takes him on a walk, of his mommy that gives him belly get the drift. However he is doing very well. I would say that we are her forever home for sure!!!!
We have been so inspired by this organization that we want to volunteer, so we are getting our applications to you all. Who knows, we may want another malpal in the future!
We love our mals just like our kids!


Jack is doing great.  He's a big softy.  The first couple of days he was very protective around the food bowls and had issues with Koah eating when he ate.  But now it doesn't bother him at all.   No matter what Koah does he never gets bothered.  Oh, and we thought Koah was the most attention crazy dog...we were wrong.  Anytime you move Jack likes to follow, and if you stop for a sec he rolls over by your feet and starts scratching you tell you rub his belly.
Jack is a great friend to Koah.  We couldn't be happier.  Thanks again. 


Hi all you friends of Sampson:
I wanted to update you on Sampson’s adjustment to his new home. He is doing well and finally does not need a muzzle when he interacts with his doggy brothers. He is getting the hang of where to go potty, although sometimes I wonder why he doesn’t tell me just a wee bit sooner, it’s usually a quick run to the door, sigh. Oh, well.
He is eating well and has had his first bath. We are happy with him and he is happy here.
Thanks for your support.


This morning Colleen met Juneau at Centennial and it was love at first sight!  Colleen has owned a mal before - her "Pancake" died one year ago and she is more than ready to open her heart and home to another fur kid.   She is the kind of person that really dotes on her animals and treats them as part of the family.  Juneau will have a nice big yard to run around in but best of all Colleen will have lots of time for him as she is only gone about 4 hours per day.  I told Juneau this morning that he had really hit the jackpot in finding his new home.  He must have agreed because as soon as Colleen opened up the car door to get her purse, he was inside!  And there he stayed until all the paperwork was taken care of.


Subject: To Bailey
This is an e-mail from Strider (now Kodi) to one of my dogs.
(ed note:  Donna was Strider's foster mom)

-----Original Message-----
Dear Bailey,
Just thought I'd let you know that things are going well with me here in Zillah.  I found out that jumping into the pickup is not hard and we get to go to interesting places.  Sometimes I get a corn dog when he goes to pick up parts, and sometimes I get to help Dad change sprinklers and stuff.  I also get to run with the 3-wheeler through the orchards, now that's fun!  I know I could beat Dad but I let him keep up with me.  I really do miss you, though.
Mom taught me a couple of new things called stay and come.  I humor her because she gives me treats.  Mom says to tell Donna hi.

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