Animal Success Stories
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Hey ladies, My wife and I want to known what we have to do to keep this little puppy forever? We think she will turn out great with a little work on her. We took her to our Vet on 17th and every thing looks really good for her, we did get a Rabies because of the squirrels that live around us. She is really pickings up from us, we all most have it where she will not jump up at this point. She get ahead of her self and then she will jump up to kiss us and to greets us, but then we will tell her no jumper and point to the floor and then she will sit. She is OK with the cats, our cats have been staying away from her, the first 2 day she would try and take off and try to chase them and we would tell her "No cats" and last night 1 of the cats came in and she went to get up and I pointed my finger to the ground and she just lie right back down. I think she is getting use to them?? Only time will tell and we are wanting to put that time in to her. she been though to much all ready and she need to have a home!
Let us known what we need to do?
Thank You
Rocky & Carole
She IS yours forever :-)
We are always here to help though, so don’t forget about us, and we always like to hear updates.
Cindy; My wife put the check and the paper in the mail on 3/15, so you should get in the next couple of days Shyla is doing great and she is starting to fit right in. "Boy, she as energy to BURN" :-), but our puppy is taken care of that. I think that they played for 32 hours straight before they went to bed. So far so as been really listening to me and my wife, and we are working with her. Carole took 45 min. out working with her in the front yard with out Tacaani around, it going to take a little time but I think she will come along great. Hey my wife and I have noticed some thing about her, it seems that her hearing is not very good?? or she is just hard headed?? it seems that when we call her she does turn to us until we get louder with her name. We are going to take her too our vet. so he can check her, but don't worry if she is its some thing that we have to live with. She is doing good with the cats, just got to remind her "no cats" but she is a fast learner. Well for now I will let you go. again Thanks a lot for her
Thank You
Rocky and Carole
Rocky this cracked me up. You don't need to take her to vet to see if her hearing is bad LOL. I can tell you all malamutes have a condition called "selective hearing" and everyone has wondered the same thing about their malamute at one point or another.
TO do the "home test" for selective hearing. Make sure she is interested in something other than you somewhere and call her name to see if she acknowledges you. If she does praise her. If she doesn't, rustle a plastic bag while her back is turned, or rummage in the biscuit box where she doesn't see you, or do something subtle with a sound she associates with something good for her and see what happens then. You will be amazed at her acuity! I have had dogs a good 500 ft from me, called their name, and they completely ignored me, but then took a couple small pebbles and jiggled them in a dog dish and they were back like a shot.
Cindy Neely < whose mals' mottos are "what's in it for me?">
Have fun!
Hello Planet Parents, Darwin (Saturn) is doing quite well and seemingly getting bigger every day!? He just went to the vet for his rabies shot and he weighs 41lbs.? He is very loving and listens well.? We had some initial trouble with the potty training but he seems like he is starting to get it. He seems to be very happy here and comfortable with his surroundings.? He is still getting used to his large paws... so he is a bit clumsy.? He has lost a couple of teeth and just keeps growing!
Buster and his brother, Darwin (Saturn) spent yesterday together. They spend time together just about every week. But yesterday they went to the vet. Buster weighs in at about 33 lbs. while Darwin is up to 40. He's huge. They played the entire day together and Buster was exhausted last night. He was still kind of slow this morning.
She is doing very well, loves her hikes! She has made the house hers, and has added some extra warmth to my bed where she loves to lay out and sleep. She is a funny dog and talks at me when I stop to rest while we hike and she is ready for more, its very funny the look she gives me lol. The kids adore her and they play a lot outside. Currently we are working on crate training her some because she likes to use the front room at weird times to go to the bathroom. All shots are now current, and as far as I can tell all is well.
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