Animal Success Stories

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Jack is doing great.  He's a big softy.  The first couple of days he was very protective around the food bowls and had issues with Koah eating when he ate.  But now it doesn't bother him at all.   No matter what Koah does he never gets bothered.  Oh, and we thought Koah was the most attention crazy dog...we were wrong.  Anytime you move Jack likes to follow, and if you stop for a sec he rolls over by your feet and starts scratching you tell you rub his belly.
Jack is a great friend to Koah.  We couldn't be happier.  Thanks again. 


This morning Colleen met Juneau at Centennial and it was love at first sight!  Colleen has owned a mal before - her "Pancake" died one year ago and she is more than ready to open her heart and home to another fur kid.   She is the kind of person that really dotes on her animals and treats them as part of the family.  Juneau will have a nice big yard to run around in but best of all Colleen will have lots of time for him as she is only gone about 4 hours per day.  I told Juneau this morning that he had really hit the jackpot in finding his new home.  He must have agreed because as soon as Colleen opened up the car door to get her purse, he was inside!  And there he stayed until all the paperwork was taken care of.


This is Jupiter (now named Kobuk). His adopters report he is house trained and is going through the big CHEW stage, but they have lost only one slipper so far! He weighs 35 lbs.


That is funny you emailed me, I was thinking about emailing everyone. Joshua is doing great. Had a few small issues at first; He ripped down my molding to my door and he likes to sneak off with food from the pantry, but that is so minor :-) Otherwise, all is great. I did take him to the groomer at the kennel and he freaked out! But I sat with him and he was a little calmer. Boy, he looks so handsome!!! He has been digging at himself to where he has patches of skin showing. Is this normal? He seems to leave our cat alone. He is interested at first when Zazu comes around, but never approaches him. We walk a lot and play all the time. He enjoys car rides and has done real well when other dogs are around. I did notice that he seems very protective of us. If he feels any one of us are in danger, he howls and barks. My son tells me everyday how much he loves his new puppy! I think it was well worth the wait to find Josh, he is truly a perfect fit for our family. Thank You!!! :-)


A little over a year ago we adopted Juneau through WAMAL.  He has been a joy to live with.  We had 2 other puppies (I call them all puppies) Wolfy a Shepard/malamute mix and Sheba a black lab mix.  We have been a very happy little family until just recently.  Wolfy at age 15 had to be laid to rest after a long struggle with arthritis.  I can not put into words my feelings with regards to his passing.
Walk in peace, for they shall know us only by the tracks we leave.

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