Animal Success Stories

To add a success story for your WAMAL Alum please email

Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!

Howdy! I saw the Web site changes and I got to say I love them! We've adopted and Fostered dogs from WALMAL in the past. I wanted to send along this picture of my guys 3 of whom I adopted from WALMAL and AMOR (Oregon rescue) Was thinking you could add them to the Happy Tails section. Shown in the pics are Steele - Our First Mal and the 1st Mal listed as Rescued on the WALMAL Site Cinnamon - a husky we adopted from AMOR, Lucky, we got from WALMAL last October and Caillou and dog we bought from a breeder. Thanks for making the web site look great:)
In the "good Line Out Photo You see Steele and Caillou in wheel, Cinnamon in Swing, and Lucky in Single Lead. Lucky is becoming a good lead dog. this was taken at Mushing Boot Camp this May. 
The Other picture was taken this past winter in the Fish lake area. It Shows Lucky and Cinnamon in Lead and Steele and Caillou in Wheel.