Animal Success Stories

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Hi Tina. I thought I'd send you an update on Caesar. He is all up to speed on shots and is losing some weight. He does not like his temperature taken but has forgiven the vet. The vet is convinced he has a great personality.
He had hook worm but we've taken care of that problem.
He started to relax the second week we had him. He stopped crying if we took him out of the car and has really settled in. He is such a nice dog. He loved the snow and was out there with all the neighbor kids and the sledding as long as we'd let him. He is quite the ball player and will even throw and catch his own ball if we're not paying attention.
We took him to visit my mother-in-law at her nursing home and he was quite a hit with all of the residents - nothing like a crowd of people wanting to pet you to make him feel great.
Let me know if you have any questions - we're very pleased with our new dog.