Animal Success Stories
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Thought you might like to hear how Mallie, (AKA Brutus), is adjusting to his new "digs". I decided to do an interview style report (a "maluscript" if you will) and it went something like this:
DAD - Hey Mallie, where are ya Mal?
MAL - In the kitchen.
DAD - Where in the kitchen?
MAL - In the fridge.
DAD - How'd ya get in there?
MAL - Grams left the fridge door open again.
DAD - Oh, what ya eatin?
MAL - Well, it was either a cheese ball or a bean buritto.
DAD - Hey did you happen to see my lunch meat in there?
MAL - Sure did - it was good too!
DAD - Oh, glad ya liked it. Tell me, does the light go out in the fridge when the door shuts?
MAL - Yep, sure does. So what's up Dad?
DAD - Well, I though I would write Tina Robbins a note and tell her how you are doing.
MAL - I remember Tina. She smelled good.
DAD - What did she smell like?
MAL - Malamutes, female Malamutes.
DAD - Well that's fine, I'm sure she appreciates that - sort of.
MAL - Ya, Dad.
DAD - So tell me, what do you think of Terra, our German Shepard?
MAL - She's nice, she has slim ankles!
DAD - Uh huh.
MAL - The only problem is she speaks German and I woo woo Alaskan and some Washington.
DAD - Yes I can see that might be a problem.
MAL - Ya, well smiling is the international language you know.
DAD - Yes and photography too. So tell me Mal - Hey where did ya run off to?
MAL - Oh, sorry Dad. I couldn't control myself. Ya know I can go from 0 to 100mph - In one step!!!
DAD - I know, it is the 100 to 0 that seems to be a problem. I guess a little plaster and paint Will cover that up.
MAL - I think I bent an ear.
DAD - Here's a mirror. you can see for yourself.
DAD - You're a very handsome young man.
MAL - Handsome nothing, I'm GORGEOUS!!!!! - bent ear and all.
DAD - Mallie, hey Mallie pay attention.
MAL - Oh sorry, I was daydreaming.
DAD - What about?
MAL - Food and stuffed bunnies and asbestos shoes..
DAD - Asbestos shoes?
MAL - Ya, I need um when I jump up on the hot stove. Ya know the smell of burning paws can really take your appetite away!!
DAD - Besides eating, what else do you like to do?
MAL - Looking in the mirror.
DAD - Besides that?
MAL - Well, I like walking on the beach.
DAD - Ya, me too.
MAL - Hey, remember the time the parks department worker said we couldn't walk on the sand, only on the sidewalk?
DAD - Sure do.
MAL - And remember how I mistook his pant leg for a fire hydrant?
DAD - Ya, - that reminds me, I should get your eyes checked.
MAL - Not necessary.
DAD - Ya sure?
MAL - Positive
DAD - Where are you going Mal?
MAL - I think I hear Grams opening up the fridge door again.
DAD - Well, OK you can go for now, but remember the kitchen floor was just waxed so try to keep it under 70 mph!!
Well Tina, there you have it. Life with the Malamute is never dull - we wouldn't want it any other way!
Signing off for now,
DAD E. JACK and Mallie
PS ? You can reach Mal at his new number ? 1-800-mal e. boy
04/27/01 - Update!
Brutus aka Mallie, is a terrific dog!!!! He has settled right into the household. He is a clown and keeps us all laughing. Mallie is also very bright and learns quickly. So far he has mastered: going up and down steps (5 at a time), he sits, catches, comes when called, knows his new name, walks well on the leash, and is now housebroken. He is really well behaved and has charmed us all with his delightful personality. I am so pleased with him!!!
Both friends and strangers have commented on what a strikingly handsome young man he is and I certainly agree.
Thanks for all your help and support
Mallie was originally "Brutus" who was a 2 year old that had been turned into the Kitsap shelter by his owners because they had to move. Brutus was quickly adopted by another family who, unfortunately, found themselves in the same boat - they had to move and couldn't take him with them. So, after a few short months, Brutus found himself back at the shelter. This time the shelter contacted rescue.
The same week that Brutus came into rescue, we took in another boy from the Tacoma shelter. He was an owner turn in as well and his name was Caeser. Later that week another boy needed rescuing from the Tacoma shelter. He was picked up as a stray so he didn't have a name. I couldn't resist keeping with the theme, so we named him Titus!
Jack had lost his old Malamute and was anxious to have another friend. He had a hard time deciding between the three Roman boys, but eventually he chose Brutus who he promptly renamed Mallie. Mallie and Jack have been together since December 2000. Jack continues to help rescue with annual donations to SPDR in memory of his first Mal. He also shares new pictures of Mallie each year to let us know how he is doing.
And yes, Caeser and Titus also went off to wonderful "forever" homes in 2001!
I want to thank each and every one of you for all your help in rescue. Without you, we would not have these "happy ending" tales to share. I hope your holidays are peaceful and I look forward to working with you in the new year!
Hey Cindy,
This is Jonathan, everything's going great here, we had Solomon bathed the day after we got him. He loves his new home he was home alone for the first time today he did pretty well he doesn't seem to mind the cat, the cat doesn't like him but the cat will have to get used to it. He also gets walked daily down to the state park.