Animal Success Stories

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Cindy & Matt,
Things got delayed from last night and we got together this morning. We ran Dutch around for a while to get him relaxed, and when Kodiak got there we put Dutch in the house. We got Kodiak and his leash cleaned up (he had an accident in the truck, I think he needed to go before he got put in the truck), got to know him a bit and his HIGH energy level, and he pulled me around our yard. We then took him for a walk/run, during which he ran in front of me and I crashed so I didn't step on him but no harm done. :) So he is a little less hyper at this point, so we let Dutch out of the house on his leash, and Kodiak went kind of nuts!! He appeared to be happy and want to play but he is so big he had Dutch intimidated big time! I held him back, and we took them both for a walk, during which we let them walk side-by-side, and touch noses briefly with no incident. All signs were positive! Back to the house, close the gate and after a couple of nervous minutes (the people, not the dogs!) and more interaction, off came the leashes. They couldn't have gotten along better!! There were NO squabbles, only minor assertions of something that bothered one or the other of them. We were all VERY pleased, and Naomi was so happy for him that she didn't even cry when she left him. Then I had to come to WORK!! I should be home brushing my new buddy! But I have all day tomorrow....
Thank you both for all your time and work, we have some training to do but all in all he is a much happier dog with all our 5 acres to play on than he could ever be in the city. He is one very happy dog. Pictures taken but not downloaded, I'll send as soon as I get them, likely Monday.
Sincerest Thanks,
Alan B.

Excellent! Try to not let your guard down completely yet... it takes >these guys a bit to figure out "wait, your STAYING?!" and things can change then. Typically for the better, but just something to watch out for. Sounds like your off to a great start tho! Please keep us up to date, and if there are any problems or even just a note to say "Things are still going great" please let us know. :)
Congrats on the new fur kid!


Kodiak is doing great, and has finally settled into things completely. I didn't realize he hadn't until he did, if that makes sense. He finally has stopped finding easy places to sneak out and socialize with all the neighborhood dogs (who he gets along with, each one!) after only about a dozen or so separate fence repairs on my part! Life is pretty good and fun with the dogs, hope you are well too and have a good Thanksgiving!