Animal Success Stories

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Well, Siska and Nanuk are waking up at their new home today!  Cindy and Jon fell in love with them yesterday. They took them for a walk, and the fuzzies schmoozed them and got a bunch of pets and snuggles. Cindy has pledged to take them for walks every day, but Siska let her preference for running with Jon known. So hopefully both will get lots of exercise and slim down and stay healthy for a good long life. 
Here's hoping everything works out really well for them all!


I just wanted to thank you for encouraging us to adopt Nanuk and Siska.  We both feel it was meant to be and now that we have had them for over 24 hours - we are sure.  They are both wonderful, well mannered, sweet dogs.  If you ever have contact with their former owner, please tell them how much we love the dogs and that they have a new and loving home.