Cooper is a traveler and wants to know everyone. He expects to be in the passenger seat of my van, (Oh brother!) Cooper isn't a 'back seat' kind of dog. Because of his size, I had to put a milk crate covered with a blanket on the floor of the front passenger side. You see, Cooper's Shetland Pony sized feet kept falling off the front seat onto the floor and he couldn't see out the window. Seeing out the window is pretty important to Cooper. He's a little vain and likes the general public to acknowledge his existence, his beauty and his resilience. I brush Cooper daily and can't believe his former owners thought that his normal shedding was something that made him a 'bad dog'. I was excited when Cooper dug his first hole this week....that was something that also made him a 'bad dog' in the past. Unfortunately, his first hole is right in front of my mothers car and now she can't get out. It's his favorite hole, so we're working on a compromise.
Cooper is great on the leash when he meets other dogs and people. He wants to meet anyone and everyone. Maybe kind of making up for his alone time in the past. Cooper is one great dog.. He will never again suffer abuse at the hands of a human. He won't be seen needing a home again.
Cooper has been sleeping in his dug hole for the last two day's, with out being on the cable run. When I want to drive some where I tell him to get in the car and he goes to the van and wait's for me to get there and open the door so he can get in the van. Pretty cool huh. When I want him in the house I just call him and he run's up the stair's and then wait's for me to brush him and then he goes into the house, and run's to my room so I can give him some treat's. Kieku and I both want to thank you for getting him for me. Many thanks.