Animal Success Stories
To add a success story for your WAMAL Alum please email. Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!
Kane 3/28/21 Things we have learned and adore:- In the snow is Kane’s happy place. We had to quite literally carry him inside during that last snow storm, he would have lived out there all weekend if he could (haha). Lucky for him, our family loves the snow just as much as he does and we chase it all year round- It’s not often in our area but, when he hears emergency vehicles, he howls in an exact-matching tone as their sirens- He sleeps in uncomfortable looking positions, but must be in absolute comfort because he snores incredibly loud- He greets people into our home by tapping his front feet and lets out short bark/howls that sound like he’s saying “Hello, hello, hello” Thanks so much for checking in with us, we’re grateful to have found you guys! |