Animal Success Stories
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I first heard about Yukon (previously Tucker) from the WAMAL home visitor, who helped me find the right dog. Yukon was of course a bit wild at the kennel, but his description sounded like he had a good side hidden in there somewhere so I was excited to meet him. This turned out to be the case as soon as he got out of the kennel and went for a walk. He turned into a whole new dog, and with his ‘you can't say no to me’ face, I had to give him a home.
He has quickly taken to hiking and trail running, and these have become his favorite things to do. He just gets so excited when we pull into the trailhead parking lots. His daily routine is a morning walk, play in the yard while dad is at work, then an afternoon run or hike.
He sits and waits for permission to eat his food, has learned paw, other paw, roll over, and many other tricks. He is currently working on beg and fetch. Fetch is going to be the hardest because he just refuses to chase anything that doesn't move by itself. He loves to cuddle on the couch in the evening and often decides to take a nap on dad's lap.
He loves the dog park and makes lots of new friends. Everyone always comments about how cute he is and tries to pet him, but he is always more interested in playing with the other dogs and often gives a cold shoulder (except to dad). He just started training with his new backpack and will be going on some fun multi-day snowshoeing trips this winter. He really looks forward to becoming a true mountain dog, as long as he isn't too busy begging for belly scratches.
WAMAL is a great organization with great volunteers. I definitely recommend WAMAL if anyone is interested in adopting a malamute. Maybe someday Yukon will need to train a new mountain dog and WAMAL will be called again.
Update on Molly adopted last May. This summer we took a 45 day road trip to our new home in Florida. We were very worried how Molly would travel by car and in numerous hotels, but we came to find out she’s one great traveler. She loved standing up in the back of the car looking out at everything wagging her tail like crazy. Her personality has blossomed. She now climbs stairs and tries to sneak on furniture. She absolutely loves walks to the river or a drive to the beach.
Thanks for sharing Molly with us!
I honestly can’t believe that this is the SAME dog.... he went from sad old man, to happy young buck in just a couple of weeks! Dean has helped me smile every day since I’ve had him. I feel very thankful.
Rescuing these noble and hysterically funny dogs is one of the great joys of my life. Mahina is so different in looks (Cindy told me not to try to 'find' Lishka again!) and her wooly coat is a daily challenge. She is so dear...recent hip x-rays show arthritis, but buffered aspirin keeps her going. She was running with me tonight for short distances.
She is gloriously beautiful...stops traffic where ever we go. Our walks are not as long as they once were, but she finds such joy in going outside. She does love the river and is so happy now that the days are getting much cooler. The lower the temperature the more 'happy feet' she gets.
Here's a great part of our story. Her kitties, Bruddah and Sistah, go on all the neighborhood walks with us. Sistah came first as a young kitten and scolded her scairdy cat brother for whining when we left his area. She soon talked him into joining us and now we are the neighborhood story. We look like a bad Walt Disney movie...Mahina walking her cats each day and night! They also ride in the car with her for trips to the vet! In the beginning it was a real challenge to teach her these little fur balls were NOT yummy treats. However, now they belong to her. One late night walk not long ago a big dog on the loose chased the cats up a tree and Mahina went after him...bad hips and all!
We love you all who work so unceasingly for these wonderful snow dogs.
I would like to submit some pictures for the calendar fundraiser. These are all recent pictures of Darwin (formerly Saturn), we adopted him on January 31st. He is now 10 mos old and close to 90lbs, he has really taken to swimming, sleeping, eating and keep away.
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