LONO's Web Page

Alaskan Malamute (long coat)  : :  Male  : :  Young  : :  Large

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Learn more about the Alaskan Malamute.

About LONO

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Adoption Fee: 500
  • Species: Dog
  • Rescue ID: W07-0321-AM1
  • General Color: White with Gray or Silver
  • Eye Color: Brown
  • Current Size: 93 Pounds
  • Potential Size: 93 Pounds
  • Current Age: 5 Years 1 Month (best estimate)
  • Obedience Training Needed: Needs Training
  • Exercise Needs: Moderate
  • Grooming Needs: Moderate
  • Reaction to New People: Friendly

LONO is a very special malamute seeking what we can best describe as a zen home.  This young guy has experienced some of the worst life has to offer a pup - both physical and emotional abuse, required to live in the garage once he 'outgrew' the house.  Due to that he has some behavioral challenges that will need time, patience, and training to change.  Specifically, he is sensitive when he is in a kennel (especially when someone approaches quietly), has some sensitivity around his neck and face, and has also shown some resource guarding.  All of these things are understandable, and frankly not unexpected with his history.  And fortunately this is only part of Lono's story.  He is also a young, playful malamute that knows 'sit' and 'down' already, enjoys walks, retrieves Frisbees, and is starting to seek petting and affection.  He has done well with another large dog, so may enjoy a furry pack member in his new home.  We can see glimpses of the amazing and beloved family member he wants to - and can - become shining in his eyes.  The times already where he trots contentedly on a walk, when he plays with a toy, and most heartwarming, when he feels safe with one of our amazing volunteers and requests a belly rub.  Are you able to be Lono's calm, safe place where he can learn what it means to be family?

More about LONO

Not Good with Cats, Is Not Good with Kids, Likes to swim, Protective, Playful, Intelligent

Videos of LONO:

Other Pictures of LONO (click to see larger version):