Shasta's Web Page

Alaskan Malamute (medium coat)  : :  Female  : :  Adult

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Learn more about the Alaskan Malamute.

About Shasta

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Dog
  • Rescue ID: WO101-1102-AF4-0503
  • General Color: Gray/Silver/Salt & Pepper with White
  • Current Size: 100 Pounds
  • Current Age: 26 Years 3 Months (best estimate)
  • Grooming Needs: Moderate

Shasta & her "sister" Sheena take sibling rivalry too seriously. Since Sheena is more closely bonded with Dad, Shasta needs to find a new home. Shasta is the shyer of the two; both have some experience with other dogs at weight pulls but they're a bit overwhelmed. Shasta seems afraid and might not be a good candidate for homes with dogs. Shasta love older kids particularly to steal food with bananas a favorite and plays catch! And the girls have been raised with 2 cats, one even boxes with them!

SHASTA: Has experience with weight pulling and pulling kids on roller blades and sleds. Might acclimate with another dog in home, doesn't seem to be aggressive when meeting another dog as long as it doesn't act first. She loves her squeaky toys. Very verbal, growls when being loved which is a bit unique. Very willing, a bit timid, should do well in a new home. Shasta sits, shakes, lays and was 4 on Dec. 24, 2002. Used to being indoors as well as out and would need to continue this as is quite noisy if left out. Ideal situation for this dog is a lot of attention, someone who can be with her most of the time. Shasta is with her owner in the greater Yakima area.