Alaskan Malamute (medium coat) : : Male : : Young
Learn more about the Alaskan Malamute.
Update: Samson is a great dog, he listens well and comes when called. Sleeps with our new kitten, the cat seeks him out to play and to sleep at night. Duke does not seem to mind the extra company either. Samson is very well behaved, especially when he understands the routine. He is definitely a creature of habit and has learned all of the boundaries very well. He stills controls the feed bowls, if I feed them together, which I still do when I am in a hurry. He simply picks up both bowls and moves them to a corner then he eats and after he is done Duke eats. Seems to be working fine, I have even had to cut back on what I was feeding them as Duke started gaining weight. They play together very well and Samson just adores attention when you are outside. He will come running back every few minutes to get a few kind words and a scratch behind the ears. We are becoming very attached to the big guy, he is a wonderful dog. Samson is a tall guy and as sweet as they come. He can climb or leap most fences which is probably how he ended up a stray and in the pound. An adopter will need a 6 foot fence, and probably also a kennel run with a lid for when the dog is home alone. Samson loves everything and everybody. He just loves to be hugged and cuddled and when you lay in the grass with him he lays right on top of you. He is learning to play fetch and tug of war. He seems to have been a back yard dog that never got much attention. There are a lot of things that are very new to him like the lawn mower, garden hose and tile floors. He takes treats very gently. Samson is also learning to listen extremely well. He will sit, shake and stay. He leaves the house when told and he will lay down if you tell him. He gets along with the cat at his foster home, and they have even been caught sleeping in the straw together. He may do best with a play mate to keep him company as he is full of energy, and loves to play all the time. Samson is truly an awesome dog who will love anyone who welcomes him into their family. He is looking for that just-right forever home. Sampson is currently being cared for in the Spokane area. |