Alaskan Malamute (medium coat) : : Male : : Young
Learn more about the Alaskan Malamute.
Silver is an athlete waiting for his chance at the Gold. I think Bambi was his daddy. He is truly that graceful and amazing to watch, although he can also be a normal rambunctious young Malamute. Silver wants so much to please people that he will watch for hours to see if there is something he can do to make you come over to pet him and play with him. He has had some training, but it is just too much for him when he gets excited - which is pretty often. When told to sit for his dinner, he almost always lays down. This guy will make you laugh every day. Silver seems as if he could bound out of his 6 foot kennel because he is SO happy to see you! But he also bounds around the yard every day and never challenges the 4 foot fence. Silver lives up to his reputation of being very good. He plays well with females and he has also done well with the 3 malamute males we have introduced him to. And he has the most beautiful and expressive eyes! You know every thought that flashes through his mind. His perfect, silvery coat, long legs and big feet will be great for snow or sun activities. He LOVES people, is excited about every new thing that happens to him and is just waiting for an active loving family to bring him home! Silver is being cared for in Cle Elum, WA. |