Bear's Web Page

Alaskan Malamute (medium coat)  : :  Male  : :  Adult

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Learn more about the Alaskan Malamute.

About Bear

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Dog
  • Rescue ID: W18-0306-AM5-0306
  • General Color: Black with White
  • Current Size: 85 Pounds
  • Current Age: 24 Years (best estimate)
  • Grooming Needs: Moderate

Bear is a fantabulous family dog just shaking his head about having to wait once again for his family to find him! He is back in rescue through NO fault of his own having spent the last 2 years with a family, other dogs in and out, children of all ages. He has lived happily with pit bulls and rottweilers and other malamutes and toddlers and older kids....And he LOVES having his own home. This is a Hearth N Home kind of guy. Even after a walk, and he loves walking as much as any self-respecting malamute, Bear knows exactly where home is. His foster mom says: Every time I look at this guy, I get a big huge grin on my face. That is just what he brings out in people. And I want to go hug him, which of course suits him just fine! But we do know that Bear can not live with cats. NO cats. Bear is totally convinced that cats are toys. He thinks it is just part of having a good time, which is what he is all about. Bear is just plain HappyGoLucky, except when he is stuck in kennel. Then he cries. But when he gets to come back out in the yard, and he looks at you once again with this big grin on his face, you cannot help but be happy and grin back. And it will make your day.

Bear is being fostered in Cle Elum, WA

Other Pictures of Bear (click to see larger version):

Bear Bear Bear Bear
Bear Bear Bear Bear
Bear Bear Bear Bear
Bear Bear Bear