Alaskan Malamute (medium coat) : : Female : : Senior
Learn more about the Alaskan Malamute.
Is that not the sweetest face? It describes her personality perfectly. Little Ms. chow-hound Shianna has pigeon-toed front feet, knock-kneed splay-footed rear end and she creaks every time she gets up. But she is the sweetest thing in four counties! And her overdeveloped chest and every-which-way legs do not stop her from absolutely loving to go for walks, looking up and asking can we go some more? after the first mile and toddling up to lay her head on your lap at the most inopportune times, but she is pretty creaky and walks longer than a couple of miles are not recommended. Frequent short walks seem like they would be best. She is a senior and we do not know how long she might grace your home although the vet says she seems to be in pretty darn good shape! But while she does everyone in it will love her - the adults, the children, the other dogs of all shapes and sizes and even the cats. The worlds dumbest cat who has recently wandered INTO one my dog yards, lives right with Shianna. Shianna is currently being fostered in Cle Elum, WA |