Alaskan Malamute (medium coat) : : Female : : Adult
Learn more about the Alaskan Malamute.
Our mal Sakari is a beautiful, extremely well-behaved family dog, gentle with our girls, house and crate trained, and in short--is a near-perfect companion. I would recommend her in any home, inside or out (or both), with kids or other dogs of any persuasion, young or old families, etc. She just wants to be your friend. Unfortunately, she has Addisons disease and is a financial burden for our family. She costs us about $100/month in medicines and vet bills, when we should be putting money away for college funds. I can not bear the thought of putting her down, so am grasping for ways to find her a loving home. We have enough medicine to get her to about mid-February; Can you help us? If you can help Sakari (Inuit for sweet) please let WAMAL know. Addisons will likely limit her life to about 10 years (she will be 4 this spring). Addisons has damaged her adrenal glands so she cannot produce adrenaline in fight or flight situations and cannot regulate her blood salt balance (controlled with steroids and salting her food). As such, she may not survive a serious trauma (being hit by a car) where a non-Addisons dog may. Addisons is an auto-immune disorder and has damaged Sakaris adrenal glands. Salt balance in her blood is the key issue. Untreated, her potassium levels skyrocket and her sodium levels bottom out (a fatal combination). Steroids regulate the potassium, adding salt to her meals 2x daily regulates the sodium. Sakari will need to go to the vet every 4-6 weeks for a blood draw to make sure her salts are within a normal range. Sakari is house-trained and crate-trained. She has been an inside-outside dog, and learned to stop at the door so her feet could be wiped. Sakari is great with other dogs, loves to play. Sakari is outstanding with kids and extremely gentle. Little kids (infants/toddlers) have whacked her head, pulled her ears, etc. and Sakari wags her tail. Older kids walk her and throw the ball for her and she loves it. She will lay down and curl her paws under her legs so she will not scratch the little kids and let them climb, ride, pull her hair, etc. Sakari just loves the attention. She lives with a cat and will respond to NO when she wants to give chase. Sakari has been through obedience training too. According to her owners, Sakari's best quality is her strong desire to please. She is a wonderful dog and just really connects to her people. Sakari is currently living in Leavenworth, WA |